Welcome to our new section called A.I. Cleanups.
I’ve noticed a lot of artists poo poo A.I. myself included, but we have to face reality Pandora’s Box has been opened, and it’s either learn about it or get ran over by it.  Myself I’ve been using it to get ideas, it’s been helpful for getting to know how a character would look in certain places lighting or just brainstorming scenarios.  I use Stable Diffusion to generate these while it does an O.K. job most of the time the characters always look a bit off be it eye positioning, extra fingers, deformed dicks or extra floating body parts.  I’ve seen stuff that makes freak shows of the past look normal.  Some of these pictures I imported into Clip Studio and did some work on them, and here are the results.  I will not do paid commissions for AI generations.  Which is kind of crummy since anybody can go into the software and generate their own.  This is all for fun, and you can enjoy what I brew up. Click Thumbnails for full picture.
Dr. Stone
Avatar The Last Airbender
Random Characters